8 August 2023

I was much more satisfied with this attempt, though it does still have its own issues. I tried several versions of both Darrett’s offhand remark belittling Elsie, as well as Nick’s insult in response. Not 100% happy with either yet, but it’s greatly improved from some of my earlier ones. It feels kind of like threading a needle; for example, in Darrett’s case, I want something that is clearly dismissive and insulting to justify Nick’s response, while still being mild enough he doesn’t seem blatantly insubordinate to the princess.

…attacking me. Not that the scowl on my face helped matters any.

Tairsi’s eyes flared, and she grabbed me by the lapel. “What did you do?

Heck if I know. You lot are the ones who are supposed to be ‘in tune’ with magic right? You probably know more about what happened than me.

To my surprise, instead of English, I spoke to her in perfect Elvish. Everyone, even… (see August 7) …learn Spanish.”

Tairsi let go, and I straightened my shirt. In English, I asked Elsenaia, “So, what now? Was that enough for you to trust us?” Then I recalled the fleeting impression I had during the dive. “Did you find what you needed?” Carefully, I rested one hand… (see August 7) …ready for anything.

I… No, I did not.” Then in English, “But… At the very least, I know you hold no malice towards us.”

Darrett scoffed. “So you debased yourself for nothing, then? Typical.

Something snapped inside me. With a smile that did not reach my eyes, I quipped, “That’s rich, coming from the king’s pet hound. All you can do is bark insults at your betters.

The glade grew silent for a moment, then Darrett unsheathed his blade and lunged at me with a roar. I’d only gotten my pistol halfway out when a sharp crack rang out, and Darrett collapsed in front of me, clutching his leg. He reached for his sword, but Robin moved forward, gun in her hands. “If you so much as touch that blade, the next one goes through your skull.”

Whether Darrett understood her words or not, the intent was clear enough, and Darrett pulled his hand back. All the elves looked shocked, and Elsenaia’s face seemed pale. Tairsi muttered, “What manner of spellcraft is that? I heard no incantation, saw no magic circle…

I shrugged, pulling my gun out and holding it to the side. “No magic. Just physics.


9 August 2023


7 August 2023