9 August 2023

I decided that the best place to start building my “goddess of battle” story — where Kyra kills the demon king while they’re sealed together and takes some of his powers — was to write down the backstory, so I could have it on hand and reference it throughout the modern-era story. I’m also hoping it will give me ideas, between world building and the party’s experiences together, that will lead to the plot of said modern-era arc. What flaws does Kyra have? How do they interact with the world? What flaws might society wind up with? Etc.

She certainly gives off a very different aura here than she did when we first met her, doesn’t she?

“Well? What do you think?” The young man in front of Fera flashed her a grin. His sword was still poised from the impromptu demonstration he’d given. As far as Fera could tell, he, along with his two companions, were all dressed to see who could best imitate a peacock.

Fera forced a thin smile. “Ah, um. Yes. That was… a very fine display.” And it was; very flashy. But “flashy” didn’t always mean “skilled”, and her journey to the demon lord’s castle was going to be dangerous enough as it was.

Still beaming, the young man sheathed his sword and stepped in closer than Fera was comfortable with. “Does that mean you accept my offer, then?

Fera ducked around him and stepped away. “Truly, thank you, but I must decline. I’ll be quite alright on my own.”

The young man frowned, and his followers stepped in behind Fera. “I don’t think you understand how dangerous the city can be, saintess. Much less the demon realm.”

Well, pickles. Why did every member of the nobility expect her to just agree with whatever they said? Common-born or not, she was the saintess, wasn’t she?

Fera opened her mouthe to tell him off when the door to a nearby bar slammed open, and a tall redheaded woman stumbled out into the street. She had a hard look to her, and Fera couldn’t help but stare at the twin axes on her belt. The redhead took one look at Fera, then the trio of men surrounding her, and managed to ask, “Need help?”


10 August 2023


8 August 2023