21 April 2023 Notes

Had the idea that the yokai army has already destroyed a town between new Chizu and Nanmoku, and that’s where the father-daughter pair comes from. Also, that’s who the oni were chasing, not Chizu.

How does that change things? Makes initial convo w/ Keiko more urgent. K probably asks H to visit Chiaki, rather than it happening on H’s initiative. Is that an issue? …Should be fine.

What might the father say to H?Will he trust her? Do the other people in the area yet?

Daiki and Fumito–What are they like? How would they react to the ruined village? Are there any yokai lingering? Stragglers, or perhaps scavengers unaffiliated w/the army?

Potential yokai around ruined village:

Jorogumo–Could be really fun

Okuri inu–”Sounding off dog”--ferocious. Pounces on and eats those who trip/stumble. Focused on travlers.

Not here, but if disease comes up a Korōri encounter could be interesting.

Tsuchigumo–More spidery, more ambitious [than Jorogumo]. Uses all manner of illusions.

Kotengu–More of a pack/flock yokai

Where are the father and his daughter? Are they in the medical area, getting checked over? They’d be close to Chiaki, if so. Are the by the mess tent? That’d give more opportunities for us to see how the rest of the town reacts to her.

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22 April 2023


21 April 2023