Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Perish Song, 2024 Nathaniel Cloud Perish Song, 2024 Nathaniel Cloud

19 March 2024

Her name is Seila. Take care of her.


Reyzha knew she was being a bit ridiculous. When you prayed to the Deep Gods, you asked for things like safety or good loot in the dungeon that was her town’s lifeblood. You didn’t ask for children; that was the domain of the Celestial Gods, particularly the Lifegiver.

But they hadn’t answered. So here she was, before another dungeon raid, asking for a child instead of something sensible like protection or good fortune.

So when she saw the basket resting on an altar, ten or so floors down, Reyzha assumed it was an offering left by a previous party. However, before she and her group could leave, they heard a baby crying within.

After exchanging a glance with her husband, a fellow adventurer, Reyzha dashed to the basket, and peered inside. Within lay a beautiful baby girl, and a note on silver paper. It read,


Her Name is Seila. Take care of her.


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