Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud

27 October 2022

“Have fun at the big mansion, Cinders?” Hadley sneered.

“Everyone knows she only got the job because she’s Matron’s favorite,” Charlene said.

Ella started to get up and reached for the pin. Before she could grab it, Hadley snatched it away. “Hey, what’s this?”

Hadley passed it to Charlene, who smirked. “This is much to fine for our ash princess. Have you become a thief, too, Ella?”

Ella bit her lower lip. “It was a gift.”

I was actually able to work on the ideas I had with Ella at the orphanage. I also had a better idea of how the timeline fit together, which helped immensely. Also, it was cool writing Ella’s conversations with the matron, as it gave me ideas for things Kal might be doing behind the scenes to help her out, and be less of a “woe is me” entitled rich boy.

Scarlet’s an interesting character, mostly because I don’t know much about her. I’ve waffled on her name (she was going to be Rachel for a while, and it’s possible, though not likely, it will change back), and on her role in the story; I thought of mixing Little Red Riding Hood in with all this, and that would be Scarlet. Seems a bit much, though, so I don’t think I’ll do that.

…ending it with a sour note.

She headed straight for the matron’s office. She rapped the door and announced, “It’s Ella, ma’am. Reporting back from the Lester’s.”


Ella stepped into the room and stood at attention. Matron Birgit sat ramrod straight behind a large desk, perusing a letter. A pair of small spectacles perched at the end of her nose. She was a thin woman, but stern, like she was made of iron cables. “Was there any trouble?”

“No trouble at all, ma’am.”

“Good.” Without looking up from her letter, she tapped a telegram that sat on the desk. “The Lester’s sent word. Apparently, you did fine work; they may send for you again should the need arise.”

Ella brightened and stood up straighter. Matron Birgit gave her a once-over, noting the smudged soot on her face and clothes, before she went back to her letter. “Get cleaned up before dinner. Can’t have you tracking soot everywhere you go.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Ella bowed and left the office, and her face broke into a wide smile. The Lesters had even sent a telegram to talk about how good a job she’d done!

She was so happy, in fact, that she completely forgot to watch out for Hadley and Charlene. She was completely unprepared when Hadley stepped into the hall and shoved her over. As she fell, the pin from Kal went flying out of her coat pocket.

“Have fun at the big mansion, Cinders?” Hadley sneered.

“Everyone knows she only got the job because she’s Matron’s favorite,” Charlene said.

Ella started to get up and reached for the pin. Before she could grab it, Hadley snatched it away. “Hey, what’s this?”

Hadley passed it to Charlene, who smirked. “This is much to fine for our ash princess. Have you become a thief, too, Ella?”

Ella bit her lower lip. “It was a gift.”

Charlene’s smile turned to a scowl. “Oh, so you just got that boyfriend of yours to steal it instead. Aren’t you lucky?”

“Give it back.” Ella reached to grab it, but Charlene held it out of her reach and tossed it to Hadley. “Better go fetch it, Cinder Ella.”

As Ella turned to Hadley, the larger girl moved to throw the pin again, when another girl came up behind her and snatched it out of her hands. “There you are, Ella.”

Ella’s face lit up. “Scarlet!”

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Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud

26 October 2022

She kept her head low as she slipped inside, other than to make a quick glance around for Hadley and Charlene. Today was a good day, and Ella didn’t figure on ending it with a sour note.

The coast looked clear, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

So… I normally start with a ten- to fifteen-minute prep session to plan out what I want to write; how it might tie in with any greater story arcs, or what happens in the scene at the very least. I had an awesome planning session; I finally figured out what I wanted to do with Ella and Kai’s story, and how I wanted to proceed. And then… I got an important phone call, and had to step away to take care of some important business. It was good, and it was all things that needed to be taken care of, however… By the time I got back to writing, I’d fallen completely out of the flow, and nothing I did could get me back into it. So all I had for the day was this.

As she approached the orphanage, Ella admired the pin one last time and giggled to herself, before she slipped it away into one of her pockets. She didn’t know what Matron Birgit might do if she saw it; take it for herself, like as not, or accuse Ella of thievery. Or both. Either way, Ella didn’t want to find out.

She kept her head low as she slipped inside, other than to make a quick glance around for Hadley and Charlene. Today was a good day, and Ella didn’t figure on ending it with a sour note.

The coast looked clear, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She darted over to the mess hall, where Scarlet, Ella’s only friend beside Kal, stood by the pot. Must be her turn to serve the soup. Ella took a deep breath and savored the scent; it was a good soup today.

Still, best get things squared away with Matron Birgit first. The happier the matron was, the easier things were for everyone.

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