Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Light and Shadow, 2023 Nathaniel Cloud Light and Shadow, 2023 Nathaniel Cloud

9 April 2023

“My lady, I do not think you understand. He is tainted; no matter how strong, it is still only a matter of time before he loses control and kills us all. He–”

“He. Is. My. Brother!”

I tried figuring out what incident Tavala was referring to back in this post, so I tried to come up with something. A bunch of purists from the light-worshipping religion see Tirian as a threat now that his secret’s out, or impure, or what have you. So they tried to jump him in an alley. I eventually want to map out and write that skirmish, but it had to end somewhere relatively public where Gwen could intervene.

No idea who the gold-masked woman is that Gwen thought she recognized. This just seemed like the kind of story that had that sort of intrigue. (It’s not Katya. Ooh, but what if it’s another of their classmates? …Too much?)

There was a crash, and Gwen turned to see Tirian smash into the pavilion just a few dozen feet away. 

She was already rushing over as a handful of men and women in white robes poured out of the alley. They moved to surround Tirian, and between their weapons and their featureless gold masks, Gwen was more than a little unnerved. Not that it would stop her.

Gwen planted a foot on either side of Tirian’s bloody body and glared at the cultists. Her eyes began to glow as she drew in power. “You will not lay another finger on him.”

“But, my lady,” one siad, “he is shadow-tainted. It is only a matter of time before he slaughters some innocent. What’s more, he usurped your rightful position for years, and–”

“He didn’t usurp anything!” Gwen snapped. “He desperately tried to fill a role he was forced into. And he has control of his powers; he proved that already at the tournament!”

The first looked cowed, but another spoke up. Gwen thought she recognized the woman’s voice, but she couldn’t be sure. “My lady, I do not think you understand. He is tainted; no matter how strong, it is still only a matter of time before he loses control and kills us all. He–”

He. Is. My. Brother!” Gwen shouted, flaring her powers. She put her hands up and adapted a combat stance. “And if you wish to kill him, you’ll have to go through me.”

For a long time, nobody moved. Then the masked figures slowly began to pull back, eventually drifting out of sight. When she was as sure as she could be they were gone, Gwen spun around and started checking Tirian over. She cursed again that her light powers were so offensively oriented and called out to the crowd that was gathering. “He needs a healer! Someone, please, fetch me a healer!”

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