Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Other, Elden Ring, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud Other, Elden Ring, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud

17 October 2022

“Welcome,” Mohg declared with a theatrical flair, “to the Moghwyn Dynasty! A land of adventure, intrigue, and glory awaits you!”

Rykard, his younger step-brother, groaned. “Can we just get to the game already?” The bags under his eyes could have explained his irritability, but everyone present knew that was just his natural state.

I was in something of a slump at this point, even starting a few days earlier I think. I actually didn’t write anything for the next three days after this; it wasn’t exactly ideal.

For the story itself, I’m a pretty big fan of Elden Ring, and my brother and I had been bouncing around ideas for our own high school AU for the shardbearers. There are some places where we definitely break canon, and as it was supposed to be a more light-hearted universe, certain things are changed (like changing Mohg’s unhealthy fixation on Miquella to be less sexual and more over-exuberant older sibling, or removing Shabriri, Seluvis, and the Dung Eater completely). I have at least one, maybe two other fanfic AUs in my head that I may or may not ever get around to writing.

Also, I forgot Varre. He’s definitely there, probably playing a cleric of some kind. Or a paladin. Or something.

“Welcome,” Mohg declared with a theatrical flair, “to the Moghwyn Dynasty! A land of adventure, intrigue, and glory awaits you!”

Rykard, his younger step-brother, groaned. “Can we just get to the game already?” The bags under his eyes could have explained his irritability, but everyone present knew that was just his natural state.

“Right.” Mohg deflated. “Then, could everyone introduce their characters?” He gestured to Rykard to start.

Rykard rolled his eyes. “I’m playing S’goth, a yuan-ti warlock, with a Fiend patron. I’ve been searching for something a long time now.”

Mohg beamed at him, then gestured to Phil, a tall senior who’d arrived in a massive hooded cloak. “I am playing the Sanguine Noble, an arcane trickster rogue who bathes in the blood of his enemies!”

When he heard that, Rykard cocked his head. “Does that mean our characters are allowed to be evil?”

Mohg shrugged. “So long as you don’t get too crazy and it doesn’t ruin party dynamics, I don’t mind.”

For the first time since arriving, Rykard’s pale face broke into a smile. The other four shuddered.

Mohg turned toward the next player expectantly. Miquella looked up at him, back down at his character sheet, and back up at Mohg before he finally asked, “Um, what am I doing here again?”

“We are playing D&D, where you will go on epic quests, discover hidden treasures, and more. You’re playing a life domain cleric.”

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