Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud

26 October 2022

She kept her head low as she slipped inside, other than to make a quick glance around for Hadley and Charlene. Today was a good day, and Ella didn’t figure on ending it with a sour note.

The coast looked clear, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

So… I normally start with a ten- to fifteen-minute prep session to plan out what I want to write; how it might tie in with any greater story arcs, or what happens in the scene at the very least. I had an awesome planning session; I finally figured out what I wanted to do with Ella and Kai’s story, and how I wanted to proceed. And then… I got an important phone call, and had to step away to take care of some important business. It was good, and it was all things that needed to be taken care of, however… By the time I got back to writing, I’d fallen completely out of the flow, and nothing I did could get me back into it. So all I had for the day was this.

As she approached the orphanage, Ella admired the pin one last time and giggled to herself, before she slipped it away into one of her pockets. She didn’t know what Matron Birgit might do if she saw it; take it for herself, like as not, or accuse Ella of thievery. Or both. Either way, Ella didn’t want to find out.

She kept her head low as she slipped inside, other than to make a quick glance around for Hadley and Charlene. Today was a good day, and Ella didn’t figure on ending it with a sour note.

The coast looked clear, though, and she breathed a sigh of relief. She darted over to the mess hall, where Scarlet, Ella’s only friend beside Kal, stood by the pot. Must be her turn to serve the soup. Ella took a deep breath and savored the scent; it was a good soup today.

Still, best get things squared away with Matron Birgit first. The happier the matron was, the easier things were for everyone.

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Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud Ella and Kal, 2022 Nathaniel Cloud

22 September 2022

Ella had just finished scrubbing the chimneys at the Lester mansion - might be the nicest house in the city, apart from the palace, and no way was she gonna be allowed in there - so she was already humming herself a happy little tune. Then she caught sight of Kal, with his wild blonde hair and cocky little smile, and her heart floated right up to her head and burned her cheeks pink.

I have always loved fractured fairy tales. Or fairy tales in general, really. There is something about taking a well-known, often beloved story and tweaking it one way or another to create something new that fascinates me. As such, I’ve read a fair number of them, and I’ve kept ideas about them bouncing around in my head for quite some time.

This one came about while I was pondering the story of Cinderella. I’ve always wondered, why did the slipper only fit Cinderella? Shouldn’t shoe sizes be a thing? Most of the time that’s kind of glossed over or made irrelevant, but I’ve seen it played in interesting ways a number of times; magical shoes that won’t fit anyone but the designated wearer, Cinderella suffering from “baby foot disease”, or even the shoe itself actually being Cinderella’s cybernetic foot in Marissa Meyer’s fantastic Lunar Chronicles series (specifically the first volume, Cinder).

But I had the thought, what if the prince was manually swapping out shoes for ones that wouldn’t fit, using sleight of hand or something? That opens up a whole slew of new possibilities. How did the prince get so good at sleight of hand? Is the Cinderella he marries even the same one that dropped the shoe at the ball, or did he just use the hype to marry the girl he’d already fallen in love with?

Ella was very good at scrubbing chimneys. Most of the orphanage kids were good at some menial job or another; after all, they had to “earn their keep”, as Matron Birgit often reminded them.

She’d just finished a job at the Lester mansion - might be the nicest house in the city, apart from the palace, and no way was she gonna be allowed in there - so she was already humming herself a happy little tune. Then she caught sight of Kal, with his wild blonde hair and cocky little smile, and her heart floated right up to her head and burned her cheeks pink.

She vainly tried to scrub the soot off her face before she waved to Kal. “Heyo!”

He snapped his head to meet her gaze, and his smile got so wide it almost split his face. He sauntered over to her and leaned against a lamppost. “What brings you here?”

“Had a job at the Lester mansion. I think that might be the fanciest place I’ll ever set foot in!”

Kal laughed. “Nick anything while you were there?”

“No!” Ella pouted. “I’m not like you, I can’t just go around taking things.” she leveled a glare at Kal. “You shouldn’t either; one of these days, you’re going to get yourself caught.”

He raised his hands in surrender. “Alright, alright.” Then he grew thoughtful. “What about the beds? They must be soft.”

Ella looked away. “I… I thought about that one.”

“Hoh!” Kal’s eyes gleamed expectantly.

Her blush brightened to cherry red as she explained, “I, I couldn’t! We can’t all be rulebreakers like you. And, and… Their sheets were so white! I didn’t know you could even get fabric that white. And it felt like a shame to dirty it, especially when I thought about how much work their maids must do to get ‘em that way, and–”

Kal roared with laughter, and even when Ella puffed out her cheeks, the sound got her heart fluttering like a whole swarm of butterflies. “I got you something,” he said. He reached behind her ear, causing her whole face to turn its brightest shade of red yet, and pulled out a beautiful hairpin, with a white enamel lily,

Ella’s eyes widened, and she hesitated to touch it for fear of getting it dirty. “Did… did you steal this?” For me?, she added mentally.

“Nope. I’ve got an older sister who was getting rid of it, so I asked her if I could take it instead. 

Ella knew he was lying; he had the same embarrassed half-smile he always got when he made stuff up about his family. Besides, only one of the peacocks could afford something like this. Still, it made her happy. “Thank you. It’s very pretty.”

“Of course. It needed to match you, after all.” He reached up to put it in her hair before she could even react to this compliment.

For a long moment, neither of them said anything. Then Ella brushed a lock of hair away from her face. “I should probably get back. If I’m gone too long, Matron Birgit will get upset. She’s been a lot more on edge recently.”

“Yeah. Uh, yeah.” Kal nervously scuffed his toe. “I, uh… I’ll see you again soon, then?”

Ella nodded and began to leave, and gave him a small wave goodbye before she scurried off. She skipped the whole way home.

Prince Caspir Leonard Dutchins IV, fourth child and third son of King Edward and Queen Alisonde, practically danced his way to his older sister Serafina’s room. He gave a quick knock, and as soon as he heard her call “Enter”, he strode in.

Serafina took one look at his goofy grin and went back to fussing with her hair. “It went well, I take it?”

Caspir gave her an exaggerated bow. “Thank you, dear sister, for your generosity. She loved it.”

“You know, you’re going to have to let us know who she is at some point, right? Rumors are spreading, and Mother is getting curious.” She gave him a sly smile. “Also, I kind of want to meet this girl.”

Caspir grimaced, and watched her for a moment. “Is there something going on tonight?”

The deadpan look Serafina gave im could have frozen a volcano. “Jonathan’s engagement ceremony?”

“Wait, that’s tonight?!”

Serafina nodded gravely.

“Crap, Theodore is going to kill me.” He bolted out of the room as he called out, “Thank you again, sister!”

Serafina could only shake her head.

Ella and Kal Next->

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