Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Goddess of Battle, 2023, Nanowrimo 2023 Nathaniel Cloud Goddess of Battle, 2023, Nanowrimo 2023 Nathaniel Cloud

9 November 2023

Kyra knew she’d had too much to drink. She couldn’t bring herself to care, though; at least her memories had finally stopped hurting her for the moment. Had stopped trying to pry their way into her brain, to torment her with what would never be.

She stumbled out of the bar and managed to keep herself mostly upright as she headed back towards Brinja’s apartment. Kyra felt a twinge of guilt when she realized the girl was probably worried about her right now.

The scene at the bottom, where she gets drunk, feels like one of the best I’ve written for this story. It’s become one of the anchor points; the ways I can tell if my ideas are drifting too far from the point of the story. It should be about Kyra, and how she handles her whole world shifting around her.

And sadly, it seems to be the last thing I wrote all year.

…one of her axes.

Brinja’s eyes went wide. “It’s fine, it’s fine! It’s supposed to do that! That’s how the car moves!”

Kyra forced herself to relax. “So you have some manner of beast or demon caged to move the vehicle forward?”

“No, not exactly… Well, kinda? I guess you could see it that way…” Brinja pondered for a moment and shrugged. “Close enough.”

More confused than ever, Kyra settled into her seat. Brinja pulled a strap across herself and shifted a lever. Then the car started to move. At first, Kyra focused on what Brinja was doing. Knowing how to control one of these strange carriages might be important later. Once they exited the gorge, however, Kyra couldn’t focus on anything other than the city before her. It was well past dusk, and it looked to Kyra as if the stars themselves had climbed down from the skies to light up the city. “Is… is that…?”

Brinja grinned widely. “Welcome to New Naothair. You probably knew it as Krotlin, though.”

Kyra set her jaw. Of course the sight was incredible. Awe-inspiring, even, especially when from her perspective, just the other day it was a festering camp with few, if any, permanent structures beyond the demon king’s castle. But at the same time… No, exactly because of that, it served as a stark reminder that Kyra didn’t belong here. That this entire world was foreign to her.

It took another twenty minutes or so to reach Brinja’s apartment. Kyra had to admit, the trip was far smoother than riding would have been, or any carriage she’d ever been on before.

[Later scene, written later in the day]

Kyra knew she’d had too much to drink. She couldn’t bring herself to care, though; at least her memories had finally stopped hurting her for the moment. Had stopped trying to pry their way into her brain, to torment her with what would never be.

She stumbled out of the bar and managed to keep herself mostly upright as she headed back towards Brinja’s apartment. Kyra felt a twinge of guilt when she realized the girl was probably worried about her right now. Maybe she should get one of those infernal phone things. Even if it was a hassle, at least she’d be able to reach Brinja and let her know she was fine.

By the time Kyra noticed the men following her, she was already pretty much surrounded. She groaned to herself and fumbled for her axes, before she remembered she’d left them at the apartment at Brinja’s insistence.

One of the men, a blonde boy with a leering smile, reached out toward her face. “Hey, pretty lady! Why don’t you come with us? We’ll show–”

Before he could actually touch her, Kyra grabbed his arm and bent it back the wrong direction. While he screamed, she grabbed him by the lapel and tossed him into his cronies off to the side. “Buzz off, assholes. I’m not in the mood.”

With tears in his eyes, the blonde screamed, “Get her!”

Kyra had trouble remembering the details of that fight. She did remember it was brutal, though. Between the alcohol and her exhaustion, she was running on instinct… and before she’d entered the seal, she’d trained to kill, not spare, her enemies.

At some point, a couple of them pulled out some strange new weapon that launched powerful projectiles. But they were generally meant to be used at range, and it was all too easy for Kyra to dart in too close and take their weapons.

Once everything was said and done, she stood alone, hands bloody, amid a pile of corpses. She was pretty sure two or three of them had gotten away, but she didn’t feel particularly worried. In fact, if anything, she felt weirdly energized right then, even smiling a bit.

At least, until she heard Brinja’s voice behind her.


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