Peruse the many random ramblings of a writer-in-training as I build stories and develop my craft.

Goddess of Battle, 2023 Nathaniel Cloud Goddess of Battle, 2023 Nathaniel Cloud

10 August 2023

Kyra woke with a splitting headache. That wasn’t really a surprise, though.

A young blonde watched her expectantly from beside the bed. That very much was.

What the hell happened last night?

I wasn’t super happy with the timing and pacing of the scene, so the next day I rewrote it, let Kyra show up sooner and get dismissed. I also felt like I did a better job demonstrating that Fera is capable of taking care of herself better, but I think I could do more; perhaps in future scenes. That could be fun, actually. Someone—maybe even Kyra and/or the rest of the party—underestimates her badassery until they get to witness it first hand. …Might be too cliche. She still needs to show off at some point regardless, though.

“...offer, then?”

Before Fera could reply, the door to a nearby bar slammed open, and a tall redheaded woman stumbled out into the street. She had a hard look to her, and Fera couldn’t help but stare at the twin axes on her belt. She ignored the lot of them to retch in the alley behind them.

Fera took the chance to dick around and step away from the young man. “Thank you, but I think I’ll be better off on my own.”

The young man frowned, and his lackeys stepped in behind Fera. “I don’t think you understand how dangerous the city can be, saintess.”

Well, pickles. Why did every brat with a title think they knew what was best for her? Fera sighed and began gathering mana to her palms. It was amazing how often a simple flash of light let her escape unpleasant situations. And if that didn’t work, it’s not like she didn’t have other options.

As she prepared, though, the redheaded woman appeared behind the young man and grabbed him by the shoulder. “Hey, asshole. She said no.”

The nobleman jerked back and began to draw his sword. “What!? How dare you–”

The sword was still halfway in its sheath when the redhead decked him, leaving him out cold on the ground, nose broken. Fera was so shocked she let go of her spell, letting the energy dissipate, while the nobleman’s lackeys cried out and jumped at the redhead.

She caught the first in the temple with a hook kick, then stumbled out of the path of the other’s sword. “Oof. Might have had too much to drink.”

The last young man roared and lunged, but the redhead dodged to the side and drove her fist into his stomach. Before he could do more than wheeze, she flipped him onto his back and knocked his lights out.

For a moment, Fera could only stare in shock. Then a wide smile broke out across her face and she hurried over. “That was incredible! Thank you, miss–”

The redhead held up a hand to keep her back, and then unceremoniously vomited all over the alley floor.

Kyra woke with a splitting headache. That wasn’t really a surprise, though.

A young blonde watched her expectantly from beside the bed. That very much was.

What the hell happened last night?

Once the young woman realized Kyra was awake, she beamed. “Good morning! How are you feeling?”

Still groggy, Kyra sat up, then groaned as her headache spiked. “Terrible.” She took a deep breath. “Sorry if this is insensitive, but… Who the hell are you?”

“Ah, yes.” The young woman held out a hand. “I’m Fera.”

Kyra eyed her warily a moment before she accepted the handshake. “Kyra.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Kyra.” Fera pumped her hand twice and let go. “I’d like to hire you as a bodyguard.”

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