5 January 2023

This was fun. I was dead tired, and I had my online class soon, so I pulled something random, and decided to write an explorer’s impressions if he (or she) had run into the pop-tart people that show up in the comics on the boxes. I might be conflating them with the minions from the Despicable Me series in some ways, but eh. Short little nonsense piece. I think that’s important sometimes, too.

I’ve been many a strange place, and met many a strange people in my time. A regular Gulliver in my travels, if you will. But none were so odd as these folks. They were some sort of living pastry, by all appearances, with a large, rectangular body or head and stubby little arms and legs.

That, in itself, was strange enough, though not the oddest or most terrifying thing I’d seen. No, what was strange to me was the creatures’ utter lack of survival instinct.

I witnessed far too many instances where one pulled a prank on another that resulted in one or both of them literally breaking into pieces. They would climb, jum, and fall without any thought of future consequences. And even odder, many of them begged me to eat them, assuming I’m interpreting them correctly.

I can only conclude that some being, somewhere, was continuously making more of these creatures, either through scientific or mystical means. To what ends, I know not, but it is the only explanation I have for why the race as a whole hasn’t driven itself to extinction.


6 January 2023


4 January 2023