28 May 2024

This is from another one of those prompts on Tumblr; “You’re partner is trying to hide their non-human nature. You’ve known for months, but play along because it’s funny.” I twisted it a bit; what would make such a person reveal that they know?

I had a lot of fun, but I think if I were to approach this more seriously, I would change quite a lot. Might go with vampires instead; had some easier ideas on how Zan could get “caught” without recognizing it. Werewolves don’t really have a lot of room for that; either it’s super obvious, or there’s no sign whatsoever, unless they can shift at will and shed all the time, which seemed kind of lame. honestly, the examples I used to show her true nature all seem sub-par, even the fake motorcycle trip, at least how I presented. At least to me. I’d also approach the conflict with the sister differently. Maybe have James see a texting conversation between them or something, then either call Brianne or immediately go talk with Zan, depending.

Also, on Zan as a name. I don’t know if it works as a short form for Alexandra, but it fits in my head, and my grandmother was named LaZann, often going by Zann. So it is a name, just a little unusual.

I have the most adorable wife ever.

Now, obviously, I’m biased. She’s my wife. But Zan is… How should I put this? Attractively clumsy? Not words most people would use to describe a werewolf, typically but it fits her. How else can I explain the way she accidentally bends metal objects (like our cooking pots) when she’s upset, or the way she forgets her cover stories for the scars she gets, or the increasingly ridiculous excuses she comes up with to vanish every month around the full moon?

There’s been a time or two I’ve considered letting Zan–short for Alexandra–know that I’ve figured it out. But, well, I don’t know what that would mean for her, or how it would affect her pack. Plus, like I said, I think she’s adorable while she’s trying to hide it. So I just play along.

Until today.

Zan’s sister, Brianne, has come over to visit. It’s getting close to the full moon, so that’s pretty normal. I fix a little something for them, a few burgers, and I’m outside the door when I hear Zan say, “I think James is onto me, brianne. I mangled a spoon the other day, and he said, ‘Well, at least it’s not silver, right?’”

“Pure coincidence. You’re overthinking things, Zan.”

“Maybe? But, I just… I get this feeling sometimes.”

Brianne snorts. “Look, Alexandra, you want proof? He’s still married to you. If he knew, he wouldn’t be. What human wants to be married to monsters like us?”

I scowled and opened the door. Both women jump, which is a bit of a surprise. Couldn’t they hear me, or smell me, or something? While glaring at Brianne, I say, “Well, me, for starters.” Then I look over and lock eyes with Zan. “Except you’re not monsters. No matter how media portrays werewolves.”

Zan’s eyes went wide. “You… You heard that, then?”

I raise an eyebrow. “I’ve known what you are since we got married, Zan.”

For a moment, she couldn’t figure out how to respond. “How?”

“You’re not nearly as good at hiding it as you think you are. Last month, you tied to tell me you were going on a Harley-Davidson road trip with some friends. You don’t even on a motorcycle license.”

Both women stare at me in shock, then Brianne turned to Zan. “You what?”

“It worked for Joey!”

“Because Joey Owns a Harley-Davidson!” Brianne sank her face into her hands. “Oh, this is bad. Crap.”

I set the burgers on the table and sit on the couch next to Zan. “Is it a big deal if I find out about all this?”

Zan opens her mouth, then closes it and bites her lip. She looks over at her sister, who replies, “Yes! No! I don’t know! It’s complicated.”


29 May 2024


27 May 2024